Why You Should Take Your Child To A Pediatric Dentist in Kinnelon, NJ Instead of Just Any Dentist

by | Nov 6, 2013 | Dental Health

Television has made our children think the dentist is a scary place, but in reality, it’s one of the coolest! Have you seen today’s dental offices for kids? Dentists are well aware of the fears generated in general and have made their offices more plush and kid friendly to let kids know it’s okay, they’re here to help, not harm or scare. They have even gone so far as to add calming technologies to the mix, letting kids watch shows or listen to music in headphones while the dentist checks their teeth.

The dentist talks to the kids a bit and gets to know their fears so they can help squash them before they associate them with the other equipment in the office or false truths they may have heard or seen on television in the wrong context (comedy not reality, but the child takes it as reality). Some dentists have an area they take children to before putting them in the chair room so they can, with parents present, explain to them what they do.

When it comes to a Pediatric Dentist in Kinnelon, NJ, he/she is prepared to handle the fears kids generate about going to the dentist, and by the time your child leaves the establishment, they will have a whole new lease on going to the dentist!

A Pediatric Dentist in Kinnelon, NJ realizes that kids have an even more keen and vivid imagination than adults and take what they hear about going to the dentist, or just the pain they experience and expect to get worse if the dentist touches it, to heart and can imagine the worst! They understand that kids may not “get it” right away and need some coaching. It’s all in how the dentist approaches them, his/her attitude and especially patience that makes the difference.

A pediatric dentist at Wayne’s Pediatric Dental Care helps a child learn to love to go to the dentist and instills how important brushing and flossing are, but he or she also listens and reacts accordingly. Children are not adults and do not act and react like adults in serious situations like this. A child who loves to go to the dentist is a child who will more likely maintain a healthy checkup schedule and a beautiful smile they can be proud of.




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