Let a Book Publishing Consultant Help You Bring Your Vision to Life

by | Aug 12, 2015 | Business

Do you believe that everyone has a story within him or her, waiting to be told? Even if you don’t believe it about other people, it’s certainly true of you. Then, ask yourself, why haven’t you written a book yet? Is there a vision for a story rolling around in your head, a unique tale that can only be expressed through your words? Sure there is. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be looking into self-publishing.

So, what’s taking so long? Why aren’t the words on the page yet? Why isn’t that bestseller you’re keeping cooped up in your mind actually in anybody’s hands yet? What’s stopping you from writing and publishing it? Maybe you just haven’t found the right person to help you bring it to life.

Why You Might Need a Consultant

There are many reasons you haven’t written that book yet, and your current lifestyle might be one of them. This is not to say that you’re lazy, but exactly the opposite. Some people want to write a book but are just too darn busy to sit down and do it. They can’t find the time, or don’t know how to carve out a little piece of their day to pursue their passion. It could also be that they’re intimidated by the whole process, from writing to proofreading, from book cover design to marketing. Rather than stumble into book publishing, they visit bookstores and remain jealous of authors more courageous than themselves.

If this sounds at all familiar to you, then you might be relieved to discover that help is available for aspiring authors. While writing is generally considered a solitary task, publishing – even self-publishing – often requires a team effort. Even if there is only one other person on your team, they can make all the difference in the world. A book publishing consultant will help you get over your writer’s block, navigate the actual publishing and printing process, and even help you find someone to design your book cover. Trying to do it all yourself from start to finish can really overwhelm, confuse and discourage you.

Get Help Getting Published

The advent of writing apps and self-publishing tools has, while not giving birth to the self-publishing industry, certainly helped bring it to more prominence of late. Anyone with a dream and a little time on their hands can write and publish their own book. Alone, it might take a while for the vision in their heads to become a real book. With a book publishing consultant by your side, stumbling blocks – even the ones that exist only in your own mind – are much less likely to keep you from completing your goal of self-publishing. You can make use of them as much or as little as you need, but you’ll be thankful you did.

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