4 Reasons Why You And Your Pet Deserve A Trip To The Groomer

by | Feb 4, 2016 | Animal Health

You can train a dog to notify the family when it’s time for a walk. A cat can quickly adapt to using its litter box rather than the living room floor. As smart as they may be, however, you can’t teach a pet to stay clean and orderly. If your dog is starting to look more like a sheep, bear or wolf, then it could be time for a trip to the grooming salon. The following lists some typical offerings at a groomer, and how such services can help both you and your furry friend.


Let’s face it – some pets simply don’t enjoy getting wet. Others love the water, but the dirtier, slimier kind. And even if you get the water temperature exactly to your pet’s liking, bathing an animal is a process. It often takes two people to hold the little thing in place for a thorough wash. And drying sometimes takes just as long: multiple towels, the blow-dryer…well, you know the routine.


Who doesn’t enjoy the blissful reaction of a pet during a belly, head or neck rub? Animals know when they are loved, and will remind you if they need more of it. Grooming salons often provide massage as part of the bathing process. This helps to clean dirt out of seldom-reached areas and can also uncover issues such as fleas or tumors. Early detection of health concerns allows you to select the right treatment that will be best for both your wallet and your pet.

Fur Care

When it comes to cutting fur, new pet owners often learn the hard way how different animal hair is from the human variety. The result is often a mangled looking version of your beloved pet. The texture and angle at which animal fur grows varies across breeds, and even sometimes within two animals of the same breed. Special tools and techniques give your dog or cat the best looking results. Pet shampoos can be costly, but because groomers buy in bulk, they can offer you a reasonable rate.

Nail care

Do you think that manicures and pedicures are only for human nails? Think again. Many groomers are offering services to take care of those soft little paws and those sharp long claws. Special tools help to properly trim even the hardest of keratin.

Bringing a clean, soft pet back into the home is a cause for joy. Not only does the furry thing look and smell fresh; grooming your pet is a worthwhile investment in his or her good health and wellness. For more information visit website You can also connect with them on Facebook for more updates.

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