What Does Medi-Cal Fresno CA Entail?

by | Aug 9, 2012 | Assisted Living

Most people may have heard about Medi-Cal Fresno CA. However, from the ongoing many may not be very familiar with the concept. This is California’s version of the Federal Medicaid Program, which is designed for low income individuals especially the blind and the disabled individuals. Beneficiaries of this program are usually issued with a Benefits Identification Card (BIC). It is this card that is used while paying for many medical dental expenses. If you undergo a certain treatment, your provider will use a BIC card to determine your Medi-Cal eligibility. Your provider will then know whether the card will pay for your treatment or your will have to make some contribution.

Who qualifies for the Medi-Cal benefits? Well, if you happen to be disabled, you will qualify for these benefits. For you to qualify for benefits, you must have suffered a severe mental or physical disability that will last for at least 12 months. The disability must be severe in such a manner that it will prevent you from working and performing your day-to-day activities. Some disabilities may be serious in such a manner that it could result to death. The disability has to be proved and this will be performed through medical records, tests, and other medical findings. It has to be established that the medical problem is the reason why you do not work.

Other special cases that are usually catered for under the Medi-Cal Fresno CA include catering for pregnant women, children, refugees, and foster children program. Additional services may also be available to people under the age of 21 years through the Child Health and Disability Prevention. The other services or programs include periodic screening diagnosis and treatment programs. You do not solely have to rely on one medical scheme. Alongside Medi-Cal, you could also rely on other medical programs such as Medicare.

If you are in the state of California, you can always tap from the benefits of Medi-Cal Fresno CA. This medical program is mainly applied through the state of California while other medical programs such as Medicaid are outside the state of California. Some of the medical products that are covered under this medical program include wheel chairs, wheel chairs repair, hearing aids, eyeglasses, and therapy among other services.

How do you get started with Medi-Cal services? You could start by calling or visiting your county welfare department to get an application. The next step would be to fill the form. Once you have filled the form, you should then forward it to the County Welfare Department. It could take up to 45 days to process the application form. Once you have successfully forwarded the application, you will now be set to enjoy all the necessary documents.



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