Top Three Things To Do Before You Visit The Dentist In Old Town Chicago

by | Jan 11, 2017 | Dental Health

Regular visits to the dentist are just as important to your oral health as brushing and flossing. Exactly how often you see your dentist will depend on your current oral health, and any objectives or goals you have in mind. For example, a person who is seeking whitening treatments will visit their dentist far more frequently than those looking to maintain their healthy smiles. Regardless of how often you go, getting the most out of each visit is always a priority. These are the top three things to do before you visit the dentist in Old Town Chicago, to ensure your appointment goes perfectly.

#1: List Questions Or Concerns

In the days or weeks leading up to your appointment, take a few moments and record questions or concerns you may have. If your gums have grown increasingly sensitive, for example, it is worth discussing with your dentist. Writing them down will guarantee that you will not forget to ask any important questions, and gives you a space to jot down answers.

#2: Brush And Floss

A dentist or hygienist will clean your teeth and gums before any work begins on them, but it never hurts to brush and floss. Doing this before your visit makes it easier to complete this task, and in some cases can even make the cleaning go by faster.

#3: Arrive Early

Always make an effort to arrive slightly early. Patients attending their first appointment at this particular clinic should try to show up fifteen to twenty minutes early. Filling out paperwork tends to take time, and by arriving early, you can still ensure your appointment starts on time. If you have been to the dentist before, it is still a wise choice to arrive a bit early. There is a chance you may be seen slightly before your appointment time if you are early and the dentist is available.

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