Questions to Ask when Determining if Dental Implants are Best for You

by | Aug 17, 2017 | Dental Health

The average middle-aged American is missing around seven teeth. Whether from tooth decay, poor tooth care or taking a blow to the face that knocks them out, tooth loss is seen as an inevitability of life by a lot of people. Luckily, there are dental implants, which can replace your missing teeth with new ones. If you’re seeking dental implants in Chicago, here are some important questions you need to ask yourself to see if dental implants are right for you.

#1. How much does it cost and will my insurance cover it?

It’s important to ask this the minute the idea of dental implants is brought up, so you can plan accordingly when your dentist tells you that no, your dental insurance does not cover dental implants. While things like partials and dentures are covered, specific things like implants are excluded from many insurance plans. Basic dental implants cost around $1000-$3000.

#2. Will my existing dental work have to be removed or replaced?

If you’re seeking dental implants, this might not be the first time you’ve had work done on your mouth. Luckily, dental implants can reinforce or even outright replace certain existing dental work like bridges or dentures. Be sure to mention to your dentist what work has been done on your teeth so they can tell you whether they’d be reinforced or replaced.

#3. Do I really need one if it’s just one tooth?

This is another important question that gets asked often by people introduced to the idea of dental implants. And the answer is yes. Even if it’s just one tooth in the back of your mouth, not immediately visible to anyone not purposefully looking into your mouth, an implant is your best option. When you’re missing a tooth or teeth, the adjacent teeth take on that tooth’s weight when chewing. This can result in cracking or deformation of the teeth, and if you decide to chew on the side that has all its teeth, that just means the other side will weaken from underuse.

Chewing strengthens our teeth and jaw muscles, and one missing tooth can eventually cause the connective tissue and bone to weaken. An implant fuses replaces the tooth by fusing with the bone under the gums, alleviating the extra stress put on the adjacent teeth. So, if you are missing a tooth, a dental implant is your best option.

Dental implants are an expensive investment for a lot of people, leading to many not seeing the process as worth it, despite all the future health issues it can prevent. If you are missing teeth or have been told that you may have to have teeth removed, and your dentist brings up implants, remember these questions. And after you ask them, ask yourself if dental implants are right for you. To know more information visit

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