Two Popular Types of Retaining Walls in Brookfield WI

by | May 11, 2018 | Construction and Maintenance

Mother Nature truly has a mind of her own, but there are often ways of encouraging her to cooperate. For many residents of Brookfield and other towns in the area, having a retaining wall built will make it easier to put the residential property to better use. Builders of retaining walls in Brookfield WI like those at Outdoor Living Unlimited are always ready to help their clients understand the options and choose the most appropriate.

A Simple Way to Keep Earth in Place and Fight Erosion

Retaining Walls in Brookfield WI all serve the same basic purpose of holding up slopes and other earthly features that might otherwise erode, collapse, or shift. While it will always be important to ensure that a given retaining wall benefits from informed design and careful construction, there are normally quite a few effective ways to achieve the same ends. Some of the types of retaining walls that are most popular in the area include:

  • Concrete: Retaining walls can be constructed from either poured or sprayed concrete, either of which can be suitable and appropriate. Concrete tends to be fairly inexpensive to put down, while still delivering a high level of functionality and holding up well over time. While a concrete wall will not always be the first choice of homeowners who prioritize visual appeal, such structures never need to be ugly. Concrete can be textured or finished to enhance its attractiveness, and even raw concrete can work well in plenty of different environments.
  • Blocks: Another common way to build a retaining wall is to stack up blocks or bricks that are held in place with mortar. This will typically require a significantly larger investment than having a concrete wall installed, but many homeowners will be willing to make the sacrifice. Walls of this general kind tend to be inherently attractive, while also being strong, reliable, and functional. As a result, retaining walls made from blocks and bricks are some of the most consistently popular.

Local Experts Are Always Ready to Help

Fortunately, homeowners never have to worry about choosing the best type of wall for a given property. Simply getting in touch with a local company that designs and installs retaining walls is all that it will take to get things started off appropriately.

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