Be a Star with your own Veneers Louisville, KY

by | Mar 18, 2013 | Dental Health

When you look at Hollywood celebrities today, it seems that all you see is an endless sea of perfect, gleaming white teeth. But have you ever wondered how they achieve these fabulous smiles? The secret to Hollywood smiles is veneers. If you are currently living in the city of Louisville within the state of Kentucky, seek out Veneers Louisville KY and take the first step to sporting the smile of a star.

Why Should I Get Veneers?

Veneers match the rest of your mouth and keep the healthy part of your tooth intact. They also do not contain metal, which is an advantage as metal can cause discoloration.

When you get veneers Louisville, KY, the difference they make in the whiteness of your teeth is drastic. A few shades whiter can make a big difference in the appearance of your smile. There is a reason veneers gleam so brightly. Light reflects better off of white surfaces than it does off of yellow or darker surfaces.

Many people have discolorations in their teeth, perhaps a patch which is a different color from the rest of the tooth. Veneers even out the color of your teeth and smooth over these sorts of discolorations.

Veneers can also help teeth which are uneven in size or have suffered physical damage, such as chipping, breakage, or cracks. Veneers give your teeth a smooth appearance by layering over these imperfections in your teeth.

You may think that having white teeth is only important if you are working in an industry which values beauty, such as acting or modeling. However, your appearance matters wherever you go, and having white, smooth teeth can have an impact on your professional image. The color and appearance of your teeth reflects upon your personal grooming and how well you take care of yourself. Teeth which are broken or yellowed can give off an unprofessional image.

Veneers can also do wonders for your personal life. White teeth are a conventional sign of youth, good health, and beauty, and can significantly enhance your attractiveness.

What About the Procedure?

When you go to a cosmetic dentistry clinic with a certified CEREC machine, you can get veneers Louisville, KY in no time. CEREC is an acronym which stands for Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic. With this machine, you can have your dental restoration procedure completed in one visit.


Springhurst Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can improve your smile with quality veneers Louisville, KY. To learn more, please visit the website at

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