Choosing Obstetricians

by | Apr 30, 2014 | Health

These days, women have many options when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, including the type of physicians they choose to go to. The majority of pregnant women choose to be treated by a doctor who specializes in pregnancy, labor, and birth. Doctors who specialize in these areas also specialize in everything to do with the female reproductive system and surgical care. There are many doctors with this type of specialized medicine degree, and often women find it difficult to choose who will be treating them. In many cases, they simply take referrals from their family doctors, or go by recommendations from friends and family members. It is best to actually know a bit about these doctors and what areas they specialize in before making a final decision.

Doctors that specialize in pregnancy are known as obstetricians. They provide a number of services to women who are pregnant or who are trying to get pregnant. Some choose to practice strictly obstetrics or gynecology, while others practice in both areas. Generally, OB/GYN’s offer many more services than those doctors that specialize in one area or the other. Some of the services women can expect include:

1. Prenatal Care
2. Labor Care
3. Birth Care
4. Annual gynecological exams
5. Treatments for sexually transmitted diseases
6. Treatment for abnormal Pap tests, such as colposcopy, cryosurgery, and cone biopsy
7. Counseling about contraceptives and family planning
8. Treatments for endometriosis and other chronic medical conditions in the female reproductive system
9. Diagnosis and treatments for infertility
10. Managing menopause

These doctors can be found in their own private practices, in hospitals, or in clinics. There are others who hold teaching positions at university hospitals. In addition to completing medical school, they must complete four years of residency training as well that includes gynecology, gynecologic oncology, obstetrics, preventative care, and ultrasonography.

Many women prefer to be treated by obstetricians for a variety of reasons. These can include complicated pregnancies, access to ultrasound and genetic testing, specialized training for treating such problems as preeclampsia or placenta previa, and if they need to have cesarean sections. To find a doctor, contact the Missouri Delta Medical Center.


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