Making plans for a profession of becoming an ultrasound technician? Get prepared for a career that is always in demand. Currently, the healthcare industries are continuing to grow and are always looking for people with the right qualifications to become part of their team. Ultrasound/Sonography is a fast-growing and gratifying career field. Being able to get a job is easy with the right training and qualifications. The training that is necessary can be gained in a fairly short period of time. You will find out quickly how popular the medical ultrasound/sonography position really is when you are looking into the accredited diagnostic ultrasound schools in Chicago IL. This position will not only diagnose conditions, but also detect pregnancy. There are several other issues that can be diagnosed using ultrasounds.
Requirements for Admission Include:
- Complete an Interview with a Job Developer
- Have Knowledge of Computers and be Able to Use Word Processing Programs
- If Applicable Provide a Current Resume
- Grade Point Average of 2.5 or Above and Provide Official High School Transcript
- Graduates from Foreign Schools Require a Local Evaluation
- Proof of Graduation from a United States High School
- Minimum 18 Years of Age
Ultrasound and Sonography Program Curriculum
Diagnostic ultrasound schools in Chicago IL have a 1 year program for students who want to become an ultrasound/sonography technician. This program will also consists of 800 hours of ultrasound clinical internship that will be combined with clinical and classroom internship that can take up to 18 months to complete. During this program students will learn how to perform ultrasound procedures and operate the system, setting up appointments, and registration of patients. Students will receive some on the job knowledge from clinical classes that will take place inside an authentic healthcare setting. The focus of diagnostic ultrasound schools is to give students practical hands on experience as well as information. After students have completed the program they will have sufficient knowledge to work in imaging centers, hospitals and clinics.
Obtain an Ultrasound Technician Degree Today
If you are someone who loves helping people then having a career in the health industry is the perfect choice. As a sonographer you will not only operate the devices, but you also will describe the procedure to a patient. You will calm a patient and reassure them while positioning them for the best images possible. You will help find the preliminary signs of disease and sickness as well as obtain the images for a physician. This non-invasive technique of getting answers about patient’s conditions and systems is the ideal means of diagnosis. Find out more information on getting trained for this exhilarating health care profession by visiting the website of Aquarius Institute today!