Everything You Should Know About Truck Emissions Inspections in Reading, PA

by | Nov 4, 2016 | Auto Repair

Is it important to understand exactly why truck emissions inspections are so important when you need to haul across the country with any regularity. This type of inspection was designed to improve air quality and public health, and the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 require emissions testing programs in large metropolitan areas that do not meet federal standards. Over the last two decades, PA has made serious strides toward clean air and the level of air pollution found in the air has slowly diminished.

Why You Should Reduce Emissions

Motor vehicles, especially trucks, should always undergo truck emissions inspections in Reading, PA before being released for duty. These vehicles are a significant source of air pollution as they release contaminants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons. When inhaled in large quantities, carbon monoxide, an odorless and colorless gas, may cause intense dizziness, difficulty breathing, and even death. Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides combine with sunlight to create ground-level ozone, or smog. Contact Sindall Truck Service LLC to have your trucks inspected before you send them out onto the road.

Do Your Part

When you have even one truck, you need to ensure that the proper truck emissions inspections are done whenever necessary. Every time you ensure that your trucks are properly maintained and up to date, you do your part to help the earth stay clean and protect the health of its inhabitants. Today, businesses are under more pressure than ever to be clean in every way, and this is also required by federal law. Each year, more studies discover the damaging truth about carbon emissions and other issues associated with big trucks. You have a duty to do everything you can to protect yourself and those that come in contact with your trucks as you run your business.

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