How To Relieve TMJ Pain & The Treatment Options Available In New York

by | Sep 6, 2016 | Dental Health

Many people suffer from TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) pain in New York and seek treatment options to help ease those pains. Sometimes, the symptoms go away on their own, but when they persist, it’s important to visit a doctor or dentist to seek treatments to help.


Medications are usually the first option for doctors because they can help relieve pains and discomfort. Options include anti-inflammatories and OTC drugs, but if those aren’t working, muscle relaxers and tricyclic antidepressants can also be used.


Most people in New York would prefer not to use medication to treat their TMJ pain, which is why nondrug therapies are becoming more popular. These can include counseling to understand what may trigger the problem (such as grinding or clenching your teeth), physical therapy (such as moist heat/ice, ultrasound and strengthening exercises), and oral splints. Your dentist can fit you with a mouth guard or oral splint, which can help with the pains associated with this disorder.

Surgical Options

Surgery should be a last resort, but can be highly effective. For example, open-joint surgery, modified condylotomy and arthroscopy surgical procedures can help to reduce your pains.

Other Procedures

If you’re searching for something less invasive than traditional surgery, injections of Botox or arthrocentesis (inserting small needles into your joint to irrigate fluid from the joint) can help.


Other treatment options for TMJ pain can include biofeedback, relaxation techniques, and acupuncture.

Likewise, your dentist may recommend eating soft foods to let your joints and muscles relax from having to chew so much. You may be asked not to eat anything that must be chewed and stick with things that can be swallowed, such as mashed potatoes, yogurt and more. They may also offer tips to help ease your pains.

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