Most Common Types of Plastic Surgery In Chicago

by | Apr 14, 2016 | Cosmetic Surgery

Plastic surgery in Chicago is an ever-growing field, with many people choosing to get surgery in order to present the best versions of themselves to the world. Looking in the mirror and feeling unhappy with your appearance can negatively affect all areas of your life, from work to home to social life, all due to a fundamental lack of confidence. Choosing to receive plastic surgery in order to make yourself look on the outside how you feel you should look on the inside can be one of the most empowering decisions you can make. Many people are unfamiliar with modern plastic surgery, and are only aware of it as its presented in reality television and soap operas. Thankfully, the most common types of plastic surgery in Chicago are nowhere near that dramatic, or that scary. Here is some general information on the most common types of plastic surgery in Chicago, to help set your mind at ease about this very personal decision.


Liposuction removes unwanted and unsightly fat from various areas on the body, including but not limited to, the waist, buttocks, abdomen, thighs, and upper arms. This type of procedure is generally completed using a local anesthetic, though in some cases a general anesthetic will be used. It takes between one to five hours, and results can be seen immediately.  The swelling will reduce in about three months; at which time you will notice the results more dramatically.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation helps to smooth out uneven breasts, make them more firm, and/or give the patient larger, well-proportioned breasts. This type of procedure is highly personalized, meaning that every patient will experience a slightly different type of procedure depending on body size, desired results, and reasons for the surgery. With respect to implants, there are two types commonly used: silicone and saline. The patient and surgeon will typically sit down together and discuss the procedure in detail, to ensure that the patient receives the best possible care with the best possible results.


Rhinoplasty, common referred to as a nose job, is one of the most common types of plastic surgery in Chicago in modern times. Rhinoplasty is undergone to correct nose irregularities due to sports injuries, domestic violence, or birth trauma. Many people also get rhinoplasty to improve the look of their nose, or to reduce an uneven size. Recovery time is minimal, making it a popular choice among Chicago residents.

For more information on these most common types of plastic surgery in Chicago, contact website

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