Reasons Your Podiatrist May Offer Back Hip Pain Treatment in Racine, WI

by | Nov 28, 2016 | pain

A podiatrist is a specialist primarily focused on the treatment of issues in the feet, ankles, and lower legs. When you feel a chronic pain in any one of these areas, a podiatrist will help you avoid surgery as long as possible and offer treatments specifically designed to help your condition. Most people are surprised to learn that pain in other areas of their body, particularly in their lower back, can be a symptom of an issue in their feet.

Generally, people assume that pain only presents itself at the source of a problem, but this is not always the case when it comes to your body’s support system. In fact, there are a number of conditions that may cause pain in your lower back, and back hip pain treatment has more to do with your feet than you may know. Kenosha back hip pain treatment is a way for your doctor to help you relieve that pain.

Heel Eversion

The hip joints and the position of your hips can be affected by the biomechanics of your feet and legs. Excessive heel eversion may cause too much internal rotation where your femur joins your pelvis to form the hip joint. This in turn impacts the alignment of the hip joint, causing pain that can range from dull and throbbing to sharp and sudden. If you find yourself throwing back pill after pill to handle your pain, it may be time to seek back hip pain treatment in Racine, WI, from your podiatrist.

Hip Bursitis

Hip bursitis is inflammation and pain in the hip primarily caused by an instability or poor alignment of the pelvis. One method of proper back hip pain treatment is ensuring the biomechanics of the feet and legs are at their best. This will improve alignment and reduce or relieve your pain, and it may even help you avoid unnecessary medication.

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