The Advantages of Dental Implants Gilbert, AZ

by | Oct 15, 2013 | Dental Health

Due to advancements in dental technology and science, using dental implants is one of the best ways to replace missing teeth. Dental Implants Gilbert AZ are made of materials like titanium, which is both lightweight and strong. These types of implants can be fused easily into the lower and upper jawbone. This allows for a strong, durable, and natural appearing way to replace teeth.

Dental implants Gilbert AZ offer numerous benefits over more traditional ways to replace teeth, such as dentures and bridges. Since they are permanently placed into the jawbone, they last much longer and function as well as your real teeth. Fixing broken, chipped, decayed, or missing teeth can greatly increase your confidence and improve your smile. Unlike bridge work that requires reducing adjacent teeth to make room for the bridge, implants do not need this reduction.
Implants also improve oral hygiene since all undamaged teeth remained untouched. They do not cause damage to the structure of the face and they stimulate growth of bone. Since these implants are permanent, they do not require the constant maintenance of dentures like applying adhesives and removal to clean. You care for dental implants the same as natural teeth through brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups.

This permanent placement also allows them to be fully functional. They will not slip, produce pain while chewing, and allow you to be able to eat a full range of food. Also, because they will not slip or fall out like dentures, implants do not affect your speech, causing you to lisp or stutter. Implanting these substitute teeth also relieves the pain that can be associated with dentures, because they do not leave nerves exposed or irritate your gums.

Dental implants offer many benefits, but not all patients are good candidates for this procedure. Fusion with the bone of the jaw depends on the quality and density of this bone. Clients with diabetes or heart disease may not be able to obtain implants due to poor quality of the bone and lack of supportive tissue. Contact Sossaman Dental Health and Implant Center for more information and to make an appointment.

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