The Importance of Concrete Waterproofing

by | Jul 22, 2016 | Flooring

Does your home or office have leaks? It is very important to do concrete waterproofing to protect your home from leakage. You can also preserve the attractiveness of your home for years by waterproofing concrete areas.

What is Concrete Waterproofing?

Concrete waterproofing is a method in which you are waterproofing the concrete part of the building/home to prevent water leakages and cracking. It is always important to do concrete waterproofing once every five years to improve the life of the building.

Benefits of Concrete Waterproofing

  • It prevents corrosion: Concrete waterproofing prevents corrosion. If your building is not waterproofed, it can cause damages due to water leaks. It can cause the deterioration of walls, rusting of metals and other types of deterioration due to prolonged exposure to water.

  • Improves the life of the building: Waterproofing helps to increase the life of the building. Even though water proofing is a costly affair it is considered to be a worthy investment. It is always best to spend some extra money initially on concrete waterproofing rather than continually spending money on regular repairs.

  • Reduction of Long-term maintenance costs: The maintenance costs increase as the durability of concrete decreases due to prolonged exposure of the concrete to water. But, by waterproofing concrete, the durability and lifespan of concrete buildings increases thus reducing the long-term maintenance costs.

  • Avoid damages: Moisture content causes the development of mildew and molds that are considered dangerous for the building. Waterproofing helps in reducing the moisture content to prevent these problems.

  • Resistance to weather: Concrete waterproofing helps to make the buildings more resistant to the effects of weather.


Dex-O-Tex Advanced Flooring & Waterproofing Systems uses specially formulated products for concrete waterproofing to avoid the negative effects caused by weather and also helps to keep the areas clean. This helps to preserve the attractiveness of your building in addition to improving the durability of the building.

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