Thinking About Buying a Ford Escape, Test Drive One in Minooka, IL

by | May 22, 2018 | Car Dealer

If you are thinking about buying a new vehicle, you cannot go wrong with the Ford Escape. Drivers across Minooka, IL love its numerous safety, technological, and comfort features. The best way to truly experience any vehicle you are thinking about buying is to take it out for a test drive.

Get a Feel for Every day Features

Each driver uses different features of the car in slightly different ways. For example, your family may need to test the trunk and storage capacity of the car, especially if you are involved in sports or travel frequently. Drivers who have a long commute through stop and go traffic may appreciate other features, such as braking and traction control. Taking the car out for a test drive lets you know how the car functions according to your unique needs. Drivers can test things like the heating, cooling, sound system, seat comfort, and the ease of getting in and out of the vehicle during test drives. No review can give you information that is this specifically tailored to your own needs.

Drive it Through Along Every day Routes

Ideally, you should take the car out and drive it along roads you traverse every day. If that is not possible due to the location of the dealership, you should plan and map out a route that is similar to the one you take to work or to school. This lets you know exactly how you can expect the car to perform in your neighborhood after purchasing it. Pay attention to things like suspension and the responsiveness of the pedals, as these are not things you can improve or upgrade, but they make a big difference in how the car drives.

The Ford Escape is one of the most popular new vehicles you can find. Visit Hawk Mazda near Minooka, IL at to learn more about test driving one today. Like us on our google+ page.

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