Time to See Your Optometrist in Chicago

by | Jul 31, 2017 | Eye Care

The men and women who offer optometry services understand that it can be difficult to determine when you have a serious problem with your eyes. To help avoid any potentially serious problems, you benefit from having an examination done of your eyes and eyesight by an optometrist at least once a year, especially if you already wear glasses to correct your sight. The truth is that eyesight will slowly degrade over time, leaving you with the need to have a specialist help you to keep your glasses or contacts current for both your safety and quality of life.

Flashes of Light

Even if you do not currently wear glasses, there could be a significant problem with your eye if you suddenly experience flashes of light. This is a sign that you have a detaching retina, which is a serious condition that may require surgery or other extreme measures to correct before you potentially lose your eyesight. An optometrist in Chicago, such as those employed at Tropical Optical Corp, can help you to diagnose the underlying cause of your problem, find a fast and lasting treatment solution, and reduce the chance of any serious problems.


If you currently suffer from frequent or chronic headaches, your eyes could be to blame, and it may be that you are not wearing the proper prescription for the lenses in your glasses or that your eyes are getting tired. An optometrist can help you to determine the cause of your headaches and find a solution that is simple, affordable, and lasting so that you find relief without emptying your wallet. It is imperative that you contact an expert in this field the moment that you realize you are experiencing more frequent headaches as these may only worsen with time if you put off treatment.

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