Why Is Sleep Important?

by | Jun 12, 2017 | Mattresses

Sleep is necessary for proper brain function and overall health. In order to have an all-encompassing healthy lifestyle, you need an adequate amount of sleep. Following are some reasons why we should be getting a good night’s rest every evening.

Longer Life

Not getting enough sleep is linked to a shorter lifespan. While research is still being conducted as to why this is so, one thing is clear: The less sleep you have, the more susceptible you are to illness and degenerative health. You should be aiming for 8 hours of sleep per night or as determined by your doctor.

Improved Concentration

Sleep helps to recharge the brain. If you are living and working with sleep deprivation, certain brain functions will not work at full capacity. You are unable to fully focus on tasks at hand and memory performance will be lacking.

A full night’s rest will allow you to refresh your brain and cognitive function. Make sure when you do sleep you have the right environment and mattress to facilitate rest. Buying a mattress such as an Icomfort mattress available in Lafayette and surrounding cities, could help you achieve a full rest.

Link to Depression and Mental Health Issues

A poor sleep schedule has been linked to depression and other mental health issues. Sufferers have difficultly staying asleep or even falling asleep at all. Consulting with your doctor should be the first step in getting a better quality of sleep if you feel you could benefit from medical intervention.

Overall Happiness

Getting enough sleep has been shown to improve your general happiness. If you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated each day, you are ready to take on what the day has in store for you. With a clear mind and healthy body, it is easier to face life’s ups and downs.

If you are searching for an Icomfort mattress in Lafayette to improve your sleep, contact Mattress Direct. Find them online at website.

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