Why You Should Go for Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Los Angeles

by | Jan 22, 2015 | Healthcare

Groundbreaking medical research throughout the past several years has come to prove outstanding results in the area of platelet rich plasma therapy, also known as PRP therapy. All across the world, men and women are finding remarkable results from this medical breakthrough and learning that their bodies have the ability to heal themselves in amazing ways. PRP therapy falls under the title of “regenerative medicine”, meaning it uses the body’s own resources to aid in the healing process.

Securing Plasma

To obtain platelet rich plasma, a small amount of the patient’s blood is withdrawn and placed in a centrifuge that then spins at a high speed. As it spins, red blood cells are separated from the platelets. The platelets release proteins and other particles that help the body to self-heal. Once separated, the platelets are injected back into the patient at the site of the injured tissue. This remarkable process enables the body to begin to repair its own injuries. If you have been struggling with health issues such as a ligament injury, tendonitis, or acne scars, platelet rich plasma therapy in Los Angeles could be your solution.

What to Expect

Originally designed as a treatment for injuries which would take an extended amount of time to heal, and used for over 20 years in the area of plastic surgery, platelet rich plasma therapy in Los Angeles is now used for a host of other treatment options. PRP therapy is a non-surgical procedure and can be used to treat conditions like arthritis, wrinkling skin, and hair restoration. The simple process is done as an outpatient procedure, takes only about an hour, and is considered safe when administered correctly. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy at MetroMD Los Angeles is one option when you are seeking a course of treatment for soft tissue injuries and other health concerns.

Trust the Experts

MetroMD Institute of Regenerative Medicine is a team of experienced health experts who want to help you feel better about yourself and show you how to lead a fuller life. With a focus in the field of regenerative medicine, their goal is to equip their patients with treatment options that will enable them to look and feel their best. Platelet rich plasma therapy is just one of the services within their practice that is available for men and women of all ages. Armed with the latest in technological advances, they are leading the way in their field with stem cell treatment, hormone replacement, and cosmetic therapy.

Scientific research is always being done on new medical treatment options, and as medicine changes, so do the opportunities for you to take control of your health. When you are facing questions about your health, a trusted physician can provide you with real answers.

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