You can Negotiate with a Claims Adjuster in Los Angeles, CA

by | Jun 6, 2024 | Insurance

Most people are aware of claims adjusters. However, many people aren’t actually aware of how these professionals work or how they will factor into a claim a person has made to an insurance company. However, when it comes to settling claims, most people are going to be dealing with a Claims Adjuster in Los Angeles, CA as opposed to an insurance company agent, executive, or an attorney. The fact is that a claims adjuster’s main job is to settle claims filed with the insurance company they represent.

It’s also important to understand that a Claims Adjuster in Los Angeles, CA typically won’t work directly for the insurance company handling the claim. While insurance companies do have in-house claims adjusters, most companies simply outsource claims adjusting to another company.

It’s also necessary to understand the process that goes into claims adjusting. Whether the adjuster is working for the insurance company directly or is contracted by the insurance company to handle the settling of claims made against the insurance company itself, a person will likely know more about the claim than the adjuster. The reason for this is that a claims adjuster often deals with hundreds of claims each month. Their job is to settle the claims as quickly as possible. As such, they will typically only briefly review the claim a person has made against their client.

One thing that concerns people is the negotiation process. However, this is fairly normal when it comes to claims adjusters. Often, a claims adjuster will offer a settlement that is generally lower than the person making the claim is looking for. This cause immediate frustration but, because of the negotiating process, there’s always room to move up on what the claims adjuster initially has offered. It’s important that a claimant is aware that negotiation is normal so they don’t accept the first low offer.

If you’re making a claim against your insurance company or the insurance company of someone who is responsible for the accident you were caught up in, you will be dealing with a claims adjuster at some point. By understanding their role and the negotiating process, you may be better equipped to successfully settle your claim.

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